
Αιφνιδιαστική απόφαση για τα πυρομαχικά 120 χλστ. των αρμάτων LEO2HEL/A4

(mosimage) With the purchase decision is 15,000 missiles DM63 of 120 mm. from German Rheinmental seems to end at least in this stage the issue of supply of ammunition for tanks LEO2HEL/A4, as state information defencenet.gr. Today went to GDAEE the document which tells of the negotiation to complete the commission.
Instead, the commission canceled the "intermediate solution" involving 10,000 projectiles kinetic energy DM53A1 and 10,000 DM33A1tis same company from the stock of the German Army.

The same sources indicated in defencenet.gr, that "The total supply of ammunition of 120 mm. For tanks cut from 84,720 missiles to about 40,000 battle. Directly supplying the 15,000 and eventually there will be supply and others.

From the above it is clear that the solution ultimately chosen to direct market, not the CHP for obvious economic reasons. Since the supply of new bullet missed exits (first phase) American ATK and secondly the Israelis of IMI also "attacked" the program.

Of course the solution chosen does not mean you can with a second lot to buy the 120 mm projectiles. by other companies. The initial procurement of 84,720 missiles and missile exercises were 14,647 totaling 395.5 million. This means that the procurement of 15,000 missiles that still has not specified how much is diiatritika and chemical energy or whether it will be all APFSDS-T will range around 70 million.
